Written by Nathan Smith 30-Aug-2021 | 192 Comments

What Is Branding?

Take a deep dive into these indispensable particulars when it comes to building your brand and taking it to higher heights. Also available as a mini-ebook on heyculti_heycultivation.com


What is branding really?

It’s funny you ask this question because branding is often misinterpreted, misunderstood, or misconstrued. Branding is a vital compartment that every business should focus on in order to scale, be unique and have longevity in the market. Given the fact that this is a very complex topic, this carousel should aid you in developing whichever venture you choose to apply this knowledge to, whether it be yourself or a business! To extrapolate further, when it comes to your brand, it should portray a specific aura. An aura that is unmatched and unable to be compared to any other individual or company in the physical realm. By definition, a brand is a unique gut feeling that a customer, patient, client, or end-user has about you or your company. It tells a story that paints a vivid picture on the receiving end whenever it is interacted with or thought of. A brand is a powerful presence that clearly defines what you or your company is about and circulates emotions in the heart, mind, and spirit of the recipient.


What branding isn’t.

As mentioned earlier, a brand is often misunderstood and misrepresented. To be as simple, yet as descriptive as possible, a brand isn’t a logo, website, social media page, or single entity that you use to represent yourself or your company. While those components are key in the formulation and upkeep of your brand, it is only a part of your brand. As we dive deeper into this carousel, we will explain why it is imperative that you have a clear understanding of branding elements, why they are important and how you can apply them to your business.


Brand Identity & Image.

Let us introduce you to the basics. Now, what exactly are brand identity and brand image? These are two elements that are undeniably a core part of your entire brand. We’ve decided to combine the two elements into one and efficaciously expand on the main points of each below.


- Recognition. How will recipients recognize your organization/company? It may be through your logo, commercial, or other associated visuals. Your identity should be simple, easily recognizable, and powerful enough to tell about your services or products.

- What’s your punchline? Each brand has a catchy slogan, punchline, or campaign name. This phrase should be simple yet immediately identifiable. Think of our company as a prime example; “You deserve to be seen” or “Hey Entrepreneurs”.

- Paint a picture. What will your ideal audience think and feel subconsciously? How will your audience form expectations and a visual picture of your brand?

- Know your target. Whichever image you choose, the right recipients will respond. Will you have a luxurious image, a fun image, or a cheaper/budget-based image?


Brand Positioning.

How will you position yourself in this competitive market? Who will you be targeting? These important questions will help you in the development of your brand, especially if your product/service is for a specific demographic such as age, gender, or race. Usually, the product packaging, visuals, and advertising are based on this element so it is important to make it as precise as possible!


Brand Personality.

Nobody likes a party pooper. No, seriously... A brand's personality is just like a human being’s in a sense. Will yours possess a youthful quality or will it be more seasoned? How will the colors, typography, logo, and other visual aspects tie into the personality of your brand?


Brand Equity.

In a nutshell, brand equity is the value of your brand. In this element of branding, the most highlighted aspects are usually your revenue, market share, and benefits. Is your organization “cream of the crop” material that offers the most premium, high-quality product/service known to man? You can do all the sales and advertising in the world but what holds true is the value of what you have to offer.


Brand Experience.

Now, what is the one thing that keeps your company running? If you guessed customers, you’re absolutely right. How would your customer rate the experience from step one to step ten? How efficient are the response times? How good is the product? If you have multiple franchises, do they all have the same uniform and memorable experience?


Brand Differentiation.

How will you stand out from the crowd? Be extremely different without turning your potential prospects away! Does your product or service offer a creative way to deliver the end result? How will the product packaging stand out from the others on the shelf? Which fonts and colorways will capture the eye of the beholder?


Brand Communication.

Brand communication is how you deliver your message to your target audience through various advertising mediums. Social Media? Radio? Television Ads? Billboards? The choice is yours. Communicate your key benefits and features and watch your customer base grow!


Brand Gap.

We would like to think that your venture is honest. Does your brand promise to deliver what it communicates? We surely hope so... Any successful company must be able to deliver what it promises and keep its gap very very very low. Make sure honesty and integrity are at the forefront of your brand and your product provides the customer with exactly what it promises.


Brand Extension.

Are you looking to grow or expand into other horizons? If so, make sure it’s done in a seamless manner. Other products and services should be able to embody the same core principles as existing products/services. Newer extensions should be able to co-exist with existing products/services in a holistic manner bringing the continuity of your brand full circle!


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